Article 1-Scope
These termsand conditions of sale apply, within the scope of the on-line sales service onInternet provided by the company
133 rueSaint-Dominique 75007 Paris
Paris Trade and Companies RegisterCompany registration number (Siret) 902634054 00016
hereinafter referred to as Gauvain,
to all sales concluded through the website, with its nonprofessional customers.
The hostingservice provider of the website is:
Google France
8 Rue de Londres
75009 PARIS
Tél : 01 42 68 53 00
Companyregistration number (Siret): 49342225700011
For ordersplaced from a country other than Metropolitan France, the customer is theimporter of the products concerned.
For allproducts dispatched outside the EEC and the Overseas Departments andTerritories, duties and other local taxes may be claimed. These taxes are notthe responsibility of GAUVAIN. They will be borne exclusively by the customerwho is advised to make inquiries regarding these aspects before placing anorder.
These termsand conditions of sale may be changed at any time providing such changes appearon the website.
Article 2 -Prices
Prices areindicated in Euros, GST included, excluding processing and shipping costs forshipments in the European zone.
For shipments outside the EU and DOM TOM, prices are indicated in Euros, GSTexcluded. Local GST and importation duties will be requested by the carrierupon reception of your order.
GAUVAINreserves the right to change its prices at any time but the products will beinvoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time when the order isrecorded subject to availability.
Article 3 -Order
It isincumbent upon the customer to select on the website the products it wishes toorder. Payment is made on-line by bank card, or by Paypal. The order is subjectto confirmation by email, specifying the references ordered, the amount of theorder and the delivery address.
The order will be dispatched at the latest 20 days following receipt ofpayment.
Article 4 -Acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale
Thecustomer acknowledges that it has read and accepted these terms and conditionsof sale before placing its order.Validating the order therefore impliesacceptance of the terms and conditions of sale. In the absence of evidence tothe contrary, the data recorded by GAUVAIN constitutes proof of thetransaction.
Article 5 -Availability
Product andprice offers are valid as long as they are visible on the website, within thelimit of available stock.
If a product is unavailable once the order has been placed, the customer willbe informed by e-mail as soon as possible.
Only the items that are shipped will be charged to the customer.
Article 6 -Delivery
Theproducts are delivered to the delivery address provided by the customer duringthe order placement process. Delivery deadlines include preparation of theparcel and shipping.
The order will only be processed once payment is confirmed.
If there isa delay in delivery, the customer can cancel the order.
Thecustomer can track regularly its order and call customer service should it haveany questions at
Article 7 -Delivery charges
Deliverycharges are automatically generated during the ordering process. GAUVAINapplies differentiated delivery rates depending on the amount of the order, thegeographical area of delivery and the shipping method.
Delivery charges appear on the order confirmation.
Thesecharges include a contribution to preparation and packaging fees + postagecosts + transportation costs. Delivery charges are due for every order placed.
Article 8 -Payment
For on-linepayment, the order placement process posted on the website must be followed.
All bankinginformation that you send us are secured by SSL encryption.
Article 9 -Transfer of ownership, transfer of risk.
Transfer ofownership and transfer of risk take place upon delivery of the pre-paid goods.The goods must be checked by the customer upon delivery. Any reservationsshould be indicated on the delivery slip presented by the carrier or can besent to the sales department of GAUVAIN within 72 hours.
In case ofdefects, return charges will be borne by GAUVAIN. The defective article willeither be exchanged or refunded.
Article 10- Retraction.
Thecustomer has a period of 30 business days to exercise its right to retractdelivery to return the items to GAUVAIN for refund or voucher. Please note thatthe products should be returned in their original packaging and in perfectcondition. If we don’t receive your return in time, the return will becancelled and we will consider the purchase complete. If you wish to return anitem, please follow the procedure as indicated on our website or on thedocuments received with the order.
Return isfree if you ordered from one of the following countries: France (mainland),Germany, Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg. Please go to your account and print outyour return label. If the order was placed from another country, return chargesare on your expense.
Please notethat returns of food products are not allowed.
Article 11- Warranties.
Thedelivered products are covered, in accordance with legal provisions, by awarranty against latent defects originating from material, design ormanufacturing defects and rendering them unfit for use.
No warranty will be provided in case of bad use, negligence or lack ofmaintenance by the customer.
GAUVAIN will replace or have repaired the products found to be defective.
The products sold on the website are compliant with the regulations in force inFrance.
The seller will not be held liable for any delay due to the occurrence of aforce majeure event.
Article 12- Applicable law - Disputes
Pleasecontact the Gauvain Customer Service for any claim by clicking the link“contact us” in order to request a settlement agreement.
For anyprior written claim to the attention of our Customer Service for less than ayear and unsatisfied, in accordance with the provisions of the French ConsumerCode concerning the settlement agreement, the customer has the possibility touse the mediation service "Centre de Médiation de la Consommation deConciliateurs justice (CM2C)" : 14 rue Saint-Jean - 75017 Paris
Thesegeneral terms and conditions of sale are subject to French law. In case of adispute, only the French courts will be competent.
Article 13- Data protection
Pursuant toFrench law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, it is reminded that the personal datarequested from the customer are necessary to process its order and are intendedfor internal use by GAUVAIN only.
Thecustomer therefore has a right to access, modify, correct and object pursuantto the terms of the law by contacting customer service.
Dependingon the choices of the customer in the personal information section, it mayreceive offers from GAUVAIN.

133 rue Saint-Dominique
75007 Paris
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Lu. a Do. de 8:00 a 23:00 hrs o al correo:

133 rue Saint-Dominique
75007 Paris
¿Necesitas ayuda?
Lu. a Do. de 8:00 a 23:00 hrs o al correo:
Acerca de Gauvain